Tapes, Proceedings, and Books:
Second Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium

Proceedings of the Second Annual Advanced Water Sciences Sympsoium 	$50.00
Institute for Advanced Water Sciences Research Membership		$50.00

{All talks are 40-45 minutes}

Title of Symposium Presentation				Audio		Video
----------------------------------------------------- ------------  ----------

The Stewardship of Water - Keynote Address 		$6.00		$20.00
        Joseph Bender

Water: The Almost Universal Solvent:			$6.00		$20.00
        Prof. James Roberts, W. Chiang, A. Zheng

Monitoring Water in Various Chemical Systems 		$6.00		$20.00
With a New Microwave Based Analyzer					
        Sam Shortes & Bently Scott

Model for Weak Magnetic Field Bioeffects:		$6.00		$20.00
Modulation of Bound Water Dipole Orientation
via Larmor Precession Affects Surface Kinetics
 	DJ Muehsam, AA Pilla, MS Markov 

Cellular Water: Prof. Carlton Hazlewood			$6.00		$20.00
Clinical Experience in Homeopathy and Specialized Water	$6.00		$20.00
        Dr. William Lee Cowden

Wholy Water : Josef Tyls				$6.00		$20.00
Biosystems Liquid Crystals and Potential		$6.00		$20.00
Natural & Artificial Electromagnetic Field Effects:  
        James Beal

The Reality of Imprinting Chi and Water			$6.00		$20.00
 	D. Matzke, Y. Khronos, D. Chen, A. Wood, V. Porter 

Human Energy, ELF and RF Fields, Delayed Re-emissions,	$6.00		$20.00
and the Media & Role of Water in the Biological Process
        Prof. Elizabeth Rauscher

Water Pollutants and Effects on People			$6.00		$20.00
        Dr. William Rea
Cytoplasmic Water: Dr. Stuart Hameroff			$6.00		$20.00

Formant Water and the Universal Algorithm		$6.00		$20.00
        Fred Borden/Dr. Anthony Scott-Morley 

Legacy of Marcel Vogel: Ron Carson			$6.00		$20.00
          	                                     ------------   ----------
Complete Set of all 14 tapes.			       $59.95	       $179.00

See order address below and PLEASE add $3.00 shipping to all orders.

Books & Tapes

Available Through - Institute For Advanced Water Sciences Research Living Water: Olaf Alexandersson, $11.95 Gateway Books, Bath, UK Victor Schauberger & Secrets of Natural Energy The Unmedical Miracle Oxygen: Elizabeth Baker $11.95 Updated Version Water - The Element of Life: Theodor Schwenk In Reprint Anthroposophical Press Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy: Manfred M. Junius $16.95 Inner Tradition Inter, Ltd. Hydrodynamics: Sir Horace Lamb $16.95 Dover Publications Classic hard science reference work. 738pp. O2xygen Therapies: Ed McCabe $15.00 Energy Publications Complete exposition of oxygen therapies. Vibrational Medicine: Richard Gerber $16.95 Bear & Co. Water: Paul Caro $11.95 McGraw-Hill, Inc. The Molecule & It's Double: Jean Jacques $11.95 McGraw-Hill, Inc. Flower Essences & Vibrational Healing: Gurudas $14.95 Brotherhood of Life Living Energies: Callam Coats $19.95 Gateway Books, Bath, UK Please add $3.00 shipping to all orders. Members of I.A.W.S.R. receive 10% discount on all purchases. Texas residents include 8-1/4% sales tax.
To order send US check or money order to: I. A. W. S. R. P.O. Box 1295, Dallas, Texas 75355-1295 USA email: kmk-bck@swbell.net To order by phone or FAX with credit card: voice: (972) 682-9162 fax: (214) 340-7020 Please add $3.00 shipping to all orders.